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Who's going to die next in Game of Thrones? Here's what the cast want...

Death is ALWAYS coming when George R.R Martin is involved.

WHO’S GOING TO die next? That’s the question everyone wants answered when it comes to Game of Thrones.

The stars of the smash-hit TV show arrived in Dublin last night for a very special preview screening and DailyEdge.ie headed down to the Lighthouse Cinema with one very important question.

Which Game of Thrones character would they kill off and why?

First up was Liam Cunningham, Ireland’s self-acknowledged “your man from the thing”, known to Game of Thrones fans as Ser Davos Seaworth.

Source: Sky Atlantic/HBO

“Who would I kill off?” Cunningham laughed, “I think it’s pretty obvious isn’t it?”

That Melisandre. That Red Woman has to go doesn’t she? She’s the bane of my life.

Next to wield the imaginary sword was the marvellously murderous Roose Bolton, played by our own Michael McElhatton.

Source: Sky Atlantic/HBO

He had his fair share of killing time during season three, but who would he like to see get the chop next?

I think you’ve got to get rid of Joffrey, haven’t you? He’s just horrible, I can’t think of ANY redeeming features for him so he’d be my top most hated character.

Ian McElhinney – who stars as Barristan Selmy – was with McElhatton on that one.

Source: Sky Atlantic/HBO

“Oh… well I’d certainly kill Joffrey” he began, before explaining why a full-scale Lannister massacre would be ideal.

Now Tyrion is dead on, he’s a loveable rogue and he’s got to survive. Jaime is becoming a better person so he’ll probably survive. Even Cersei is getting some redemption because the father is SUCH a b***ard. So the father has to go, and at some point but not yet because she’s so good in it, Cersei’s got to go as well. I’ve got my sights on the Lannisters.

And last but not least, Kristian Nairn, better known to viewers as the strong but silent Hodor who spends his days lugging Bran Stark around.

Source: Sky Atlantic/HBO

“I’m going to steal Isaac’s – Isaac Hempstead-Wright aka Bran – answer for this one, he said before delivering a crushing blow to his beloved charge.

I would actually kill Bran because we sort of traced back all the problems to him falling out that window and disobeying his mother. If he had just not climbed he wouldn’t be handicapped, he wouldn’t have started a war with Westeros so it actually all comes down to that.

Death wasn’t the only thing the lads were up for discussing though, and Nairn’s revelation that he’d stolen a nut sack from the set during an audience question and answer session certainly got their tongues wagging.

“I did take something from the set. In season two I fed Rickon some nuts so my nut sack thing…” he confessed.

“Your nut sack?” Cunningham laughed, “is that a metaphor?”.

“That’s what it is, it’s not a manbag, it’s a nut sack. It was filled with walnuts so I thought, yeah, I’ll take some walnuts. So I took Ricon’s walnuts and I sent them out to fans and I still have some mouldy ones. So there you go. Sorry HBO.”

And speaking of shocking revelations, Liam had one of his own:

Davos’s boat is in a car park in Banbridge. I sh*t you not.

We’re just glad there’s still room for humour amid all that doom and gloom.

Catch the first episode of Game of Thrones season four on Sky Atlantic at 2am on Monday April 7th, the exact same time it hits US TV screens on HBO.

Read: Is this teacher really using Game of Thrones spoilers to punish students?>

More: Game of Thrones season 4 will premiere here at the same time as the US>

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